©Copyright 1998-2003 Marvell®. All rights reserved

yukondg.htm created 29-Sep-2003

Readme File for YUKONDG.EXE v6.06
Diagnostics Utility for the 
Marvell Yukon/YukonPlus Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Family

This file contains

1  Overview

This README file explains how to use the program YUKONDG.EXE to test
your network adapter or to maintain the Flash PROM contents of the adapter.

Chapter 2 contains a list of all network adapters that are supported by
this program.

Chapter 3 describes the command line options that can be used when
starting the Diagnostic program.

Chapter 4 explains how to use the Diagnostic program to test your network

Chapter 5 explains how to use the repeater mode.

2  Supported Adapters

The program YUKONDG.EXE supports the Marvell Yukon/YukonPlus Gigabit Ethernet 
Adapter Family. 

3  Command Line Options

The following lists shows the optional parameters supported by YUKONDG.EXE.
You can obtain a list of all available driver options by typing the


Parameters specifying the network adapter to be tested

	-b  <bus>       PCI Bus number
	-d  <dev>       PCI Device number of the network adapter
	-y  <ven>       Additional PCI Vendor Id to search for
	-z  <dev>       Additional PCI Device Id to search for

Parameters influencing the tests to be made

	-l              List all supported adapters installed
	-t <seconds>    Set Time Limit (in seconds)
	-a              Advanced mode of operation. This option should only
			be used if instructed by technical staff!
	-o <file>	Output file. This option generates an output file.
	-x		Create/append an output file. The file name is
			generated by taking some bytes of the MAC address.
	-c <file>	Script file. This option should only be
			used if instructed by technical staff!
	-p <file>	Parameter file. This option should only
    			be used if instructed by technical staff!

NOTE: The length of the file name <file> is limited to 13 characters.

4  How to use the Diagnostics Program

In order to test your adapter, proceed as follows:
1. Start the DOS-based utility program YUKONDG.EXE using any of
   the available options to correctly specify the network adapter
   if required.

NOTE: The options '-b', and '-d' may be combined as required in order to
specify exact the network adapter which is to be tested.
All specified options are checked against the network adapters list.
You may also force a list of all installed Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 
adapters by using the '-l' option. 

2. Select the action you want to carry out.
   If the network adapter is to be tested, three options are available:
	- "Diagnostics",
	- "Loopb. Wrap Plug"	and,
	- "Loopb. Port to Port".

	Select this option if no wrap plug or port-to-port loopback
	cable is available.

	"Loopb. Wrap Plug":
	This test mode is recommended for fiber adapters. To run tests 
	in this mode, wrap plug(s) must be installed.
	For copper adpaters another station must be connected to the test
	station in repeater mode before this test starts.

NOTE: Wrap plugs are not available for copper adapters.
      Please connect another station in repeater mode instead.
      For further information on the repeater mode, refer to the next section.

3. If you intend to maintain your Flash PROM contents
   select the menu item "Flash PROM ...".
   A new menu will appear.
   Now, you may
	-  save your Flash PROM contents to a file
	   ("Save Flash PROM to File")
        - write a file into the Flash PROM
	  ("Load Flash PROM from File")
	- erase your Flash PROM contents
	  ("Clear Flash PROM").

4. If you intend to maintain the VPD Data contents
   select the menu item "VPD Data ...".
   The VPD menu will appear.
   Now, you may
	- display the adapter's VPD data
	  ("Display VPD Data")
	- clear error log entries
	  ("Clear Error Logs")
	- modify VPD data
	  ("Add/Modify VPD Data")
	- remove VPD keywords
	  ("Delete VPD Keywords").

NOTE: During the adapter tests, the diagnostic program must have
      exclusive rights to use that network adapter. All drivers
      running on the adapter will be stopped!

5  How to use the Repeater Mode

The repeater mode is intended to simulate a 'Wrap Plug' while
1000BASE-T adapters are tested. For running a "Loopb. Wrap Plug" test,
the device under test must be connected to an adapter running in
repeater mode before the test starts.

Although the repeater mode is available for fiber adapters too, it is
not advisable to perform diagnostics loopback tests with a repeater
station because the link establishment for fiber adapter is different
and is not fully implemented in the diagnostics loopback tests.

To enable the diagnostics repeater mode, proceed as follows:

1. Choose the option 'Repeater Mode' from the main menu.
2. Select a port number.
   The repeater window appears. All incoming frames except pause frames
   are looped on the transmit side without modifications.

The following table shows the configuration parameters and
statistic counters displayed in the repeater mode window.

parameter/counter       start value       description
Link State              Down              The link state may be down or up.
                                          If up, frames can be received and
Link Master/Slave       Slave             This parameter indicates if the
Config                                    adapter is working as master or
                                          as slave.
                                          The parameter is only supported
                                          for 1000BASE-T adapters.
Link Estimate          	1E-15             This parameter indicates the
                                          the estimated link error rate.
                                          This parameter is only supported
                                          for 1000BASE-T adapters.
Link Changes            0                 The counter indicates the number
                                          of link operational changes since
                                          the repeater mode started.
False Carrier           0                 The counter is only valid for
Sense Counter                             1000BASE-T adapters and shows the
                                          number of false carrier sense
                                          counters occured since the
                                          repeater mode started.
FCS Errors             0                  The counter indicates the number
                                          of Frame Check Sequence (FCS) errors
                                          occured since the last link
                                          operational change.
Frames Received        0                  The counter indicates the number
                                          of received frames. Received pause
                                          frames are neglected.
Frames Transmitted     0                  The counter indicates the number
                                          of transmitted frames. Transmitted
                                          pause frames are neglected.
Pause Frames Received  0                  The counter indicates the number
                                          of received pause frames.
Pause Frames           0                  The counter indicates the number
Transmitted                               transmitted pause frames.
***End of Readme file***