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sk98lin.htm created 23-Sep-2003

Readme File for sk98lin v6.18
Marvell Yukon/SysKonnect SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Adapter family driver for LINUX
Install Instructions for sk98lin Driver

This file contains

1  Overview

The sk98lin driver installation script supports the Marvell Yukon 
chipset based product, SysKonnect SK-98xx 
and SK-95xx family on Linux 2.4.13 and above. It has been tested with Linux
on Intel/x86 machines.

2  Required Files

The linux kernel source available in directory (/usr/src/linux)
Compiler tools (eg. gcc, make etc.)

3  Installation notes

This script will automatically compile and load the sk98lin driver on your 
host system. Before performing both compilation and loading, it is necessary
to shutdown any device using the sk98lin kernel module and to unload the 
old sk98lin kernel module. This script will do this automatically per 
default. If you want to shutdown and unload the old sk98lin kernel module
manually, run the script in the EXPERT mode.

Please plug a card into your machine. Without a card we aren't able to check
the full driver functionality.

Be shure to use the same kernel source and kernel version. For instance, 
it might be, that you run kernel version 2.4.20, but the header files the 
kernel module will be compiled with refer to kernel version 2.4.21. If you 
don't have the same kernel version, please install the sources and compile
a new kernel. It's not possible to mix different kernel versions!

4  Driver Installation

To install the newest linux driver, proceed as follows:

    1.  Login as 'root'.
    2.  Unpack the driver installation package using the command

        # tar xfvj install-???.tar.bz2
        # bunzip2 -c install-???.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -

    3.  To start the driver build process, go to the directory DriverInstall
	    and start the build process with the following command:

        # cd DriverInstall
    	# ./install.sh

    4.  Choose your favorite installation method.
    5.  The driver will be compiled and installed

5  Manual module loading

To load the module manually, proceed as follows:

    1. Enter "modprobe sk98lin".
    2. If any Marvell Yukon based adapter is installed in your computer 
	and you have a /proc file system, execute the command:
    	# ls /proc/net/sk98lin/ 
    This should produce an output containing a line with the following 
    eth0   eth1  ...
    which indicates that your adapter has been found and initialized.
    NOTE: For further informations take a look in the sk98lin.txt file

6  Unloading the module

To stop and unload the driver modules, proceed as follows:

    1. Execute the command "ifconfig YOUR_DEVICE down".
        # ifconfig eth0 down
        # ifconfig eth1 down
    2. Execute the command "rmmod sk98lin".

7  Driver Parameters

When loading the driver as a kernel module, additional parameters
can be passed to the driver for configuration.

Those parameters can be passed in two ways:

 a) You can either state them on the modprobe command line
 b) You can set them in the file /etc/modules.conf (or old name: 
    /etc/conf.modules), in order to force the kernel module loader
    to pass them to the driver at load-time.

   NOTE: For further informations about the parameters and their
         possible values take a look in the sk98lin.txt file