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yukonx.htm created 27-Oct-2003

Readme File for yukonx v6.14
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Adapter driver for Solaris

This file contains

1  Overview

The yukonx driver supports the Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Adapter on 
Solaris 7 and higher for x86 platforms with a PCI 64/32 bit bus. 

2  Installation

Before installing the yukon_xsol_x86v<version>.tar.Z driver package, the 
package has to be copied from the Marvell installation CD-ROM or 
downloaded from the Marvell web site to a directory of your choice on 
your system. 

Then proceed with the following steps:

1. Unpack the file yukon_xsol_x86v<version>.tar.Z with the command: 
     uncompress yukon_xsol_x86v<version>.tar.Z
   The unpacked file will have the following format:
2. Untar this file with the command:
     tar -xvf yukon_xsol_x86v<version>.tar
   The result is the subdirectory "YUKONXsol" containing the driver package.
   In your actual directory you will also find the driver readme file as
   a text version (yukonx.txt) and as a HTML version (yukonx.htm).

There are two tools available for installation: 'pkgadd' and 'admintool'.
'pkgadd' runs from the command line, while 'admintool' uses the graphical

NOTE: If you want to configure an adapter for the use of VLANs, you
      have to do this after driver installation is finished. Please refer
      to section 4 for details.

Now you are able to install the driver package on your system.

2.1  Installation using "pkgadd"
There are two possibilities to install the driver using 'pkgadd':
- Manual installation (user input required)
- Automatic installation (no user input required)

Manual installation with "pkgadd"
To install the driver using 'pkgadd', proceed as follows:

1. Go to the directory where the driver subdirectory "YUKONXsol"
   is located.
2. Execute 'pkgadd': 
     pkgadd -d . YUKONXsol
   A shell window will come up and you will be asked whether you
   want to configure IP interfaces during installation or not.
3. If yes, enter name, IP address and network number for every interface
   you want to set up (in case you have more than one adapter installed
   on your system). 
   After 'pkgadd' has run, the adapter is fully functional.
4. If no, only the driver will be loaded and you have to configure all 
   interfaces manually.
   In both cases the system prompts you to reboot after successful
   installation, but this may be ignored.

Automatic installation with "pkgadd"
During automatic installation, no input from the user is required.
After 'pkgadd' has run, the driver is added to the system, but no IP
interfaces have been attached to it. You have to do this manually
after installation is finished.

To start automatic installation, proceed as follows:

1. Go to the directory where the driver subdirectory "YUKONXsol"
   is located.
2. To suppress user interaction, create a response file named response
   in the working directory (or choose any other name and/or location)
   that is used by 'pkgadd' during installation:
     Execute:  touch response
3. The file must exist but remains empty.
4. Now check the admin file /var/sadm/install/admin/default for the
   following entry:
5. This entry has to be set to
   Otherwise you will be prompted to allow execution of commands that
   need root authority during installation.
6. The file /var/sadm/install/admin/default is not writable. To assign
   the value above, create a new admin file named default in the working
   directory (or choose any other name and/or location).
   For more information on the admin file, refer to the man page admin(4).
7. Execute the 'pkgadd' command with the following options:
     pkgadd -d . -r ./respone -a ./default YUKONXsol
8. If necessary exchange ./response and/or ./default with the name
   and/or location you have chosen for the response and/or admin file.
   Now the package will be installed without any further input needed.
   After successful installation the system will prompt you to reboot,
   but this may be ignored.

2.2  Installation using "admintool"
To install the driver using 'admintool', proceed as follows:

1. Start 'admintool'.
2. Select Browse->Software.
3. Select Edit->Add.
4. In the dialog box, select the location of the "YUKONXsol" subdirectory.
   The left panel shows the available software packages.
5. Select "Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Adapter".
6. Press "Add".
   A shell window will come up and you will be asked whether you
   want to configure IP interfaces during installation or not:
7. If yes, enter name, IP address and network number for every interface
   you want to set up (in case you have more than one adapter installed
   on your system). 
   Once you have entered all information, every adapter with a configured 
   interface is fully functional.
8. If no, only the driver will be loaded and you have to configure all 
   interfaces manually.
   In both cases 'admintool' will prompt you to reboot after successful
   installation, but this may be ignored.

2.3  Procedures during installation
This is a short description of what happens during installation. This
information is not needed to install and use the driver but it may
be useful if any problems occur:

- The driver software package is added to the Solaris package database.
- The driver binary is copied to /kernel/drv.
- The sample configuration file yukonx.conf is copied to /kernel/drv.
- The startup script S50yukon for modifying network settings is copied
  to /etc/rcS.d.
- The VLAN configuration script yukonx_vlan_config is copied to /usr/sbin.
- The man page yukonx.7d is copied to /usr/share/man/man7d.
- The driver is added to the system and loaded with the add_drv command.
- If you do not choose automatic installation, the following entries are
  made for each adapter:
  -- a line with the IP address and interface name is added to /etc/hosts
  -- a line with the network address and netmask is added to /etc/netmasks
  -- a file /etc/hostname.yukonxX is created, where X is the number to
     which the adapter is attached. The file contains only one line with 
     the name of the corresponding interface.
- If you do not choose automatic installation, the IP interface(s) is
  (are) started with the 'ifconfig' command.

2.4  Deinstallation
NOTE: In case you have changed the configuration settings in the yukonx.conf
      file and you want to keep the settings, make a backup file before 
      deinstalling the driver.

To remove the driver, proceed as follows:

1. Enter:       pkgrm YUKONXsol
2. Remove all according lines with the IP addresses in /etc/hosts.
3. Remove all according lines with the netmasks in /etc/netmasks.

2.5  Adding adapters
There are two ways of adding additional adapters to an existing
- Remove the driver with 'pkgrm', insert the additional adapters,
  and then reinstall the driver with 'pkgadd'.
- Add the necessary adapters manually.

Using 'pkgrm' and 'pkgadd'
To add additional adapters using 'pkgrm', proceed as follows:

1. Enter : pkgrm YUKONXsol
   You do not need to clean up /etc/hosts, /etc/netmasks, and the 
   configuration file.
2. Insert the additional adapter(s).
3. Reinstall the driver with 'pkgadd'. 
4. Use the same interface name(s) as before.
   The corresponding entries will be found and can be reused.
5. In case the addresses have been swapped after reinstallation, swap the 
   numbers of the corresponding /etc/hostname.yukonxX files (or simply swap 
   the cables).
6. Reboot (may not be done).

Manual addition
To manually add additional adapters, proceed as follows:

1. Look in /dev for the devices yukonx* before and after installation of 
   the additional adapter(s) to find out which instance number to use for 
   the hostname.yukonxX file.
2. Insert the additional adapter(s).
3. Enter the necessary entries for each additional adapter (IP address, 
   interface name, network address, netmask) in the corresponding files 
   as described above under "Procedures during installation".
4. Reboot (may not be done).
5. Look in /dev for the devices yukonx* (see step 1).

3  Driver parameters

Parameters can be set in a file called yukonx.conf in the
directory /kernel/drv. This file is created during installation,
but does only contain comments. Edit it to review your settings.
The syntax for this file is (see also: 'man driver.conf'):

- for string parameters:

- for integer parameters:

WARNING: All parameters and values are case sensitive. Write them
         exactly as shown here!
         All parameters have to be followed by a semicolon!

Parameters in this file will be used immediately if you create
this file before installing the driver (Installation will then ask
to overwrite the file). If you change it while the driver is already 
running, you have three possibilities to use the new settings:

- Reboot the system.
- Unload the driver with rem_drv and load it again with add_drv.

Please refer to section 4.1 for details about these two ways.

- Unload and reload the driver with modunload/modload.

Unload and reload the driver with modunload/modload
To use this possibility, proceed as follows:

1. Deactivate the IP interfaces of all adapters with the following
   command executed for each interface:
     ifconfig <interface_name> unplumb

   Example: ifconfig yukonx0 unplumb

2. Make sure that no other application or OS daemon is connected to
   any of the adapters.

3. First you need the module ID of the yukonx driver. You can retrieve it
   by entering the following command:
     modinfo | grep yukonx

   You will see one line like this:

     "69 1026bb64  322bb  67   1  yukonx ...

   The module ID is the first value in the row above, in our example "69".
   This ID is needed to unload the driver with the command modunload.
4. Remove the driver module from the kernel with the command:
     modunload -i <module_id>

   If there are any remaining connections to any of the adapters
   (see steps 1 and 2), you will see the following error messages:

     "can't unload the module: Device busy"

5. Exchange <module_id> with the value from step 3.
6. Load the driver again into the kernel with the following command:
     modload yukonx

   For more details about modinfo, modunload or modload, please refer
   to the manual pages by executing the commands 'man modinfo', 'man
   modunload' or 'man modload' accordingly.
7. After loading the driver, set up the IP interfaces manually using the 
   ifconfig command. To start the interfaces, enter the following command 
   for each interface:
     ifconfig yukonx<X> plumb <hostname> up
8. Exchange <X> with the interface number.
9. Exchange <hostname> with the hostname you have chosen in /etc/hosts
   for the IP address.

3.1  Port parameters
These settings belong to the port of the adapter. In the
following description, 'X' stands for the instance number
of the adapter.

Type:          string
Default value: "On"
Valid values:  "On"

The "Sense"-mode automatically detects whether the link
partner supports auto-negotiation or not.                 

NOTE: "Sense"-mode will fail if your link partner is configured to
      half-duplex with no auto-negotiation enabled. AutoNegotiation_A and 
      DuplexCapabilities_A have to be set manually in this case.

NOTE: "Sense"-mode is not possible with 1000Base-T (copper) adapters.
      If you select "Sense", it will be mapped to "On" automatically.

Type:          string
Default value: "Both"
Valid values:  "Half"

"Both": Port can connect with full-duplex and half-duplex.
"Full": Port connects with full-duplex.
"Half": Port connects with half-duplex.

If auto-negotiation is set to "On", all three values are possible. If it 
is set to "Off", only "Full" or "Half" are allowed. This parameter is 
useful if your link partner does not support all possible combinations.

Type:          string
Default value: "SymOrRem"
Valid values:  "Sym"

This parameter can be used to set the flow control capabilities
the port reports during auto-negotiation.

The values represent the following configurations:
- "SymOrRem" = SymmetricOrRemote
  Both or only the remote link partner are allowed to send PAUSE frames
  (possible results: symmetrical flow control, asymmetrical flow control 
  towards local station, no flow control).
- "Sym" = Symmetric
  Both link partners are allowed to send PAUSE frames (possible results:
  symmetrical flow control, no flow control).
- "LocSend" = LocalSend
  Asymmetrical flow control to other station: only the local link partner 
  is allowed to send PAUSE frames (possible results: flow control to other
  station, no flow control).
- "None"
  No link partner is allowed to send PAUSE frames (possible result:
  no flow control).

NOTE: This parameter is ignored if auto-negotiation is set to "Off".

Type:          string
Default value: "Auto"
Valid values:  "Auto"
NOTE: If auto-negotiation is set to "Off", the correct role must be set 

This parameter defines the role of the port for the physical clock 
generation. In order for two 1000Base-T ports to communicate, one must 
take the role as master (providing timing information), while the other 
must be slave. Usually, this is negotiated between the two ports during 
link establishment. If this fails, a port can be forced to a specific 
setting with this parameter.

Type:          string
Default value: "Auto"
Valid values:  "Auto"

This parameter sets the link speed of the port to the specified
value. If you choose "Auto", the adapter will negotiate the speed
with the link partner automatically.

3.2  Adapter parameters
In the following description, 'X' stands for the instance number of
the according adapter.

Type:          string
Default value: "Off"
Valid values:  "On"

To enable support for Jumbo Frames (frames with a length of up to
9014 bytes or up to 9018 bytes in case of VLAN frames), set this
parameter to "On". Using Jumbo Frames can speed up network throughput, 
because longer frames reduce the overhead in the operating system.

For full Jumbo Frame support, the MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) size
used by TCP/IP must also be changed. This can be done with the
'ifconfig' command.

To change the MTU size, proceed as follows:

1. The file /etc/rcS.d/S50yukon contains a line to set MTU size during 
   system start. Edit this file.
2. Remove the "#" before the ifconfig line.
3. If necessary, change the adapter device number from yukonx0 to the 
   attached number displayed during driver startup.
4. Set the MTU size to 9000, the 14 bytes of the MAC address header or 
   18 bytes in case of a VLAN MAC address header are not counted.
NOTE: Jumbo Frames can only be used if all the equipment in your 
      subnetwork support Jumbo Frames (many current switches do not)!
      Devices without Jumbo Frame Support will simply drop the longer 
      frames (and possibly report them as error frames).
      If problems occur, try to connect two adapters (with Jumbo Frames
      enabled) back-to-back.

Type:          integer
Default value: 128
Valid range:   100 - 5000

Type:           integer
Default value:  128
Valid range:    50 - 2500

WARNING: If you want to increase the size of the transmit and/or receive
         descriptor rings, bear in mind that every descriptor needs about
         2 KByte of memory for normal ethernet frames and about 10 KByte
         of memory for jumbo frames. If you choose the maximum ring sizes
         for transmit and receive descriptor rings and you have only one
         adapter installed, you would need about 150 MByte of memory!
         So it is easily possible that you need too much system memory for
         your installed adapter(s)!
         Please check the amount of memory you would need for your chosen
         ring sizes on all installed adapters and compare this value with
         the memory size of your machine (you can obtain this value with
         the command 'prtconf | more').

Type:          integer
Default value: 1500
Valid range:   60 - 1500

During transmit, the driver needs the physical memory address of
frames to inform the hardware where to find the frame data.
Setting the DMA address on Solaris is rather slow, so in many cases
it is faster to copy the frame data to a buffer that has been set up
in advance during driver load. 
All frames with a length <= CopyThreshold are copied to such buffers. 
For longer frames, the real DMA setup is executed.
By default (without Jumbo Frame support!), all frames are copied. You
can experiment with this parameter to find out if your system performs
better with only smaller frames copied.

Type:          string
Default value: "Off"
Valid values:  "Off"

Ignore_LenErr_InstX can be used as a workaround for the EDP frame
problem. EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) is a proprietary protocol
that is used by Extreme Gigabit switches to exchange information about
connected switches etc. These frames (at least the ones we have seen
on a Extreme Summit 1) have a length field indicating 316 bytes, but
a real frame length of 338 bytes. Such frames are counted by the MAC
in the InRangeLength error counter, which is one of the counters that
is summed up to form the counter "input errors". The counter even goes
up if the frames are received only in the MAC and dropped immediately.
These frames go to a constant MAC address of 00:e0:2b:00:00:00, which
is normally not received by the driver, except in promiscuous mode.

In the output of 'netstat -I yukonxX', these errors are visible as "input
errors", going up two times per second in bigger installations (multiple
Extreme switches).

To avoid this, the parameter Ignore_LenErr_InstX has been introduced. If
it is set to "On" in the configuration file yukonx.conf, the InRangeLength
errors are not added to the "input errors".

Note that the frames are in fact incorrect and so they must be counted.
But if you are puzzled by the error counter going up, you can set this
parameter. To verify if you are really have this kind of problem, the
InRangeLength error counter can be viewed by using 'netstat -k yukonxX'.
The error will show up under the label "inrangeerr".

Type:          integer
Default value: 250
Valid values:  0 to 250

DescrPollTime_InstX can be used as a workaround for a possible hang-up
of the data transmission over one link due to a hardware timing problem.
Please do not change the default value without contacting the Marvell
support for further advice!

3.3  Global driver parameters
These parameters will apply to all supported adapters installed on the 

Type:          string
Default value: "On"
Valid values:  "Off"

Enable or disable extensive messages during driver load and link up.

4  VLAN configuration and parameters

NOTE: If you want to configure VLANs for an adapter, all traffic on the 
      adapter has to be handled by VLANs! Mixing VLAN interfaces with non
      VLAN interfaces connected to the same adapter is not allowed!
      A different adapter can be configured as a non VLAN adapter at
      the same time.

The complete configuration is executed in the file /kernel/drv/yukonx.conf.
A sample file can be found at this location after the normal driver
installation process without VLAN parameters.

There are two possibilites to configure VLANs for an adapter:

- Use the script yukonx_vlan_config.
- Edit the configuration file /kernel/drv/yukonx.conf manually.

NOTE: We recommend to use the script! It is much easier than the manual

4.1  VLAN configuration using the script "yukonx_vlan_config"
The script yukonx_vlan_config was copied into the directory /usr/sbin
during driver installation. 

NOTE: You have to be logged in as user 'root' to execute it.

With this script you are able to configure any Marvell Gigabit Ethernet
Adapter previously installed on the system for VLAN support.

To configure VLANs using yukonx_vlan_config, proceed as follows:

1. Before you start the script, you have to find out the instance 
   number(s) of the adapter(s) you want to configure as VLANS. 
   List all network interfaces with:
     ifconfig -a
2. Search for interfaces named yukonx0, yukonx1 and so on. 
   The according IP address will show you the correct adapter. 
   The value of <number> in the interface name yukonx<number> reflects 
   the instance number of the adapter:

   Instance number belonging to yukonx0: 0
   Instance number belonging to yukonx1: 1
   After you have determined the adapters you want to configure, 
   configuration with yukonx_vlan_config can be started:

3. Start the script by entering:
   at the command line.
   The script will prompt you to define the following parameters:
4. Instance number: Enter the instance number of the adapter to configure.
5. VLAN ID: Enter a VLAN ID for each VLAN.
   Allowed values range from 1 to 4094. The IDs distinguish the VLANs
   in your network topology.

NOTE: Please be careful: switches that are VLAN capable often have a 
      default VLAN configured. Do not choose the same VLAN ID as used in 
      the switch or change the ID of the switch default VLAN.

6. Jumbo Frame Support: Decide whether the VLAN is to support Jumbo frames
   or not. 
   If not all VLANs for the same adapter need jumbo frame support, this
   is no problem. The adapter will be configured accordingly.

NOTE: It is not necessary to set the MTU size for jumbo frames in the
      file /etc/rcS.d/S50yukon manually! The script will do this for you.

7. Hostname: Enter the hostname to be used for the VLAN IP interface.
8. IP Address: Enter the IP address for the VLAN IP interface. 
9. Netmask: Enter the netmask for the VLAN IP interface.

   When you have finished defining the parameters, the script adds all 
   necessary entries to the file /kernel/drv/yukonx.conf, adds all entries 
   to the files /etc/hosts and /etc/netmasks and creates all 
   /etc/hostname.<interface> files.

When the configuration is finished, you have two possibilities to activate
the changes in yukonx.conf:

- Reboot the system.
- Unload the driver with rem_drv and load it again with add_drv.

NOTE: If you execute all changes in yukonx.conf after package installation
      and before you reboot the system, no additional steps as described 
      below have to be performed.

NOTE: Before you choose one of the above possibilities, you MUST remove 
      the device links to the driver in the /dev directory manually! 
      Otherwise these links and the entries in the /devices directory will
      not be created properly to show the new configuration of the 

Enter the following command to remove the device links:
     rm /dev/yukonx*[0-9]

WARNING:  Please be very careful! It is possible to remove other devices 
          and to damage the system!

Now all entries are removed.

Reboot the system
If you want to reboot the system, proceed as follows:

1. Remove the links to the driver in the /dev directory as described 
2. Create the file "reconfigure" in the root directory with the following
     touch /reconfigure
   This informs the system about the nessecitiy to recreate the /dev and
   /devices directories.

Unload and reload the driver with rem_drv/add_drv
To use the second possibility, proceed as follows:

1. Deactivate the IP interfaces of all GE adapters with the following 
   command executed for each interface:
     ifconfig <interface_name> unplumb

   Example: ifconfig yukonx0 unplumb

2. Make sure that no other application or OS daemon is connected to
   any of the GE adapters.
3. Remove the driver from the system with the command:
     rem_drv yukonx
   If there are any remaining connections to any of the GE adapters
   (see step 2), you will see the following error messages:
     "Device busy
      Cannot unload module: yukonx
      Will be unloaded upon reboot."

4. Load the driver again into the system with the following command:

     add_drv -f -c pci -m '* 0660 root sys' -i '"pci11ab,4320"
     "pci11ab,9521" "pci11ab,5021"' yukonx

WARNING:  Please make sure that the whole add_drv command is on one line!
          The easiest way to achive this is to write a script.

   For more details about rem_drv or add_drv, please refer to the manual 
   pages by executing the commands 'man rem_drv' or 'man add_drv' 
5. After loading the driver, set up the IP interfaces manually using the 
   'ifconfig' command. 
6. Reboot the system and the IP interfaces will be set automatically.

VLAN IP interface naming

Example: You have configured two VLANs for instance 0. The values you have
         chosen might have been the following:

First VLAN:
ID: 2
Jumbo frame support: Off

Second VLAN:
ID: 4
Jumbo frame support: On

The entry in /kernel/drv/yukonx.conf created with the script will look
like this:

# BEGIN VLAN configuration settings for instance 0
# END VLAN configuration settings for instance 0

NOTE:  If you want to disable VLAN support at a later time, only switch
       Vlan_Inst<instance>_Enable to "No". It is not necessary to delete
       all the settings.

For each VLAN you have to set up one interface. The number of the interface
must be the same as the value of the according Vlan_X_DevNum parameter. For
our example you need the following two values:

Vlan_0_DevNum=0      This value belongs to the VLAN with ID 2.
Vlan_100_DevNum=100  This value belongs to the VLAN with ID 4.

The interface for the first VLAN will be yukonx0, for the second yukonx100.

To start the VLAN interfaces, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the commands:
     ifconfig yukonx0 plumb <hostname> broadcast + netmask + up
     ifconfig yukonx100 plumb <hostname> mtu 9000 broadcast + netmask + up
2. Exchange <hostname> with the hostname you have chosen for the VLAN.
3. Now enter 'ifconfig -a' again to check if all interfaces are set up
4. Now you can try to ping to another machine to check whether or not
   the connection works.

Additionally, you have the possibility to check the VLAN settings for a
specific interface by use of the 'ndd' command. If you want to know the
settings for yukonx100 from the example above, enter the command:
     ndd /dev/yukonx100 vlan_props
If VLAN support is enabled on the according interface, you get a list of
three parameters (used in yukonx.conf):
   - VLAN number: This is the number of the VLAN, for yukonx100 it is 100.
   - VLAN ID: This is the VLAN ID you have chosen.
   - VLAN Jumbo Frames: Did you choose jumbo frame support?
If VLAN support is disabled, you get the following message: "No VLAN
support on yukonxX enabled." X is the number of the according interface.

For our example the output will look like the following:

     VLAN number: 100
     VLAN ID: 4
     VLAN Jumbo Frames: Yes

For more details about 'ndd' refer to section 6.

4.2  Manual VLAN configuration
The complete VLAN configuration will be carried out in the driver 
configuration file /kernel/drv/yukonx.conf. Please refer to 
'man driver.conf' for further information about these files.

An excerpt from yukonx.conf looks like the following:

     # Configuration file for the yukonx VLAN driver.
     # See yukonx.txt or yukonx.htm for a description of the parameters.
     # Uncomment and change the settings you need.
     # The decimal value in _Inst0 in all parameters is the instance 
     # number of the appropriate adapter. Set it to needed value. 
     # ..._Inst0 means instance number 0, ..._Inst1 means instance number 
     # 1 and so on.
     # WARNING: All parameters and values are case sensitive. Write them
     #          exactly as shown here!
     #          All parameters have to be followed by a semicolon!

     # AutoNegotiation: Values are: On, Off; Default = On
     # AutoNegotiation_A_Inst0="On";

     # DuplexCapabilities: Values are: Half, Full, Both; Default = Both
     # DuplexCapabilities_A_Inst0="Both";

If you want to change the default values, you only have to uncomment the
appropriate parameter and set it to the desired value.

Here is an example how the VLAN parameters will look like:


NOTE: All parameters and values are case sensitive. Write them exactly
      as shown here!
      All parameters have to be followed by a semicolon!

If you want to configure an adapter for the use of VLANs, proceed as 

1. The first parameter you have to set is:
   <instance> is a placeholder that has to be replaced with the actual
   instance number of the adapter given by the system. Without this 
   parameter no further VLAN parameters will be read by the driver for this

NOTE: If you want to disable VLAN support at a later time, only switch
      Vlan_Inst<instance>_Enable to "No". It is not necessary to
      delete or uncomment all the settings.

2. For each VLAN you want to create, you MUST set two parameters:
   <number> is a placeholder that has to be exchanged with the real VLAN
   number. These numbers have to be set in a special manner. For each 
   adapter there is a numbering scheme that MUST be used:
   The first VLAN you create has the same number as the instance number 
   given to the adapter by the system. For every additional VLAN simply 
   add 100 to the instance number.


Instance number of the adapter: 0

First VLAN to create:   Vlan_0_DevNum, Vlan_0_ID
Second VLAN:            Vlan_100_DevNum, Vlan_100_ID
Third VLAN:             Vlan_200_Dev_num, Vlan_200_ID
and so on.

Instance number of the adapter: 1

First VLAN to create:   Vlan_1_DevNum, Vlan_1_ID
Second VLAN:            Vlan_101_DevNum, Vlan_101_ID
Third VLAN:             Vlan_201_Dev_num, Vlan_201_ID
and so on.

NOTE: This is necessary to create device minor nodes in the driver that
      have the same numbers as the according interfaces you have to create
      with 'ifconfig'. More details, see below.


Parameter: Vlan_<number>_DevNum
Type:          integer
Default value: None! You MUST set this value!
Valid Values:  Not limited



This parameter defines the number yukonx<number> of the interface that
belongs to the VLAN with the parameter Vlan_<number>_DevNum. The value
for Vlan_<number>_DevNum should be <number>. You are free to choose a
different value. We recommend to use <number> because it is very easy
to distinguish all interfaces belonging to the same board since the
last digit is the same for all interfaces.

Parameter: Vlan_<number>_ID
Type:          integer
Default value: None! You MUST set this value!
Valid values:  1 to 4094



This parameter defines the VLAN ID as specified in IEEE 802.1Q. It is 
used to distinguish the VLANs in VLAN capable drivers and switches. For 
this reason it is not allowed to use a chosen VLAN ID on the same adapter 
again! The value for Vlan_<number>_ID can be any value in the range from 
1 to 4094. 

NOTE: Please be careful: switches that are VLAN capable often have a 
      default VLAN configured. Do not choose the same VLAN ID as used in 
      the switch or change the ID of the switch default VLAN.

Parameter: Vlan_Inst<instance>_Count
Type:          integer
Default value: None! You MUST set this value!
Valid values:  1 up to the number of VLANs configured for the appropriate

<instance> is a placeholder that has to be replaced with the actual
instance number of the adapter given by the system. This parameter has to 
be set to enable the driver to check the completeness of all VLAN 
parameters you must set during configuration.

Example: We use the sample entry from the beginning of this chapter to 
         show the use of this parameter.

Two VLANs have been configured for this adapter. Therefore 
Vlan_Inst0_Count is set to 2.

If you, for example, forget to set Vlan_100_ID, the driver will ouput the 
following message on the console:

yukonxX: GetConfiguration: Missing VLAN parameter Vlan_100_ID!

X is the instance number of the according adapter.

After the display of this message, the driver will abort the complete 
configuration of the adapter because it makes no sense to continue.
A possible workaround is to look up the configuration file and fill in
the missing parameter. In case of two VLANs this might seem overstated,
but if you have 10 or 20 VLANs configured for one adapter it can easily
happen that you forget to set one parameter.

There are additional parameters that can be set, but it is not necessary
to use them. If you do not set these parameters, default values will be 
used by the driver.

Parameter: Vlan_<number>_Jumbo
Type:          string
Default value: "Off"
Valid values:  "On"



If you want to use Jumbo frames on one or more VLANs you have configured
for an adapter, set the appropriate parameter to "On". The adapter will be
configured accordingly.

NOTE: Do not forget to enable setting the MTU in /etc/rcS.d/S50yukon!

IMPORTANT: If you have configured your VLANs in yukonx.conf manually and
           you want to use the script /usr/sbin/yukonx_vlan_config the
           next time you have to change or add existing VLAN entries,
           please edit the file before using the script and add two
           extra lines for each instance:
           # BEGIN VLAN configuration settings for instance <instance>
           in front of the first VLAN entry
           # END VLAN configuration settings for instance <instance>
           after the last VLAN entry belonging to this instance number.
           <instance> is a placeholder for the instance number you have
           chosen. A VLAN entry for instance 0 would look like this:
           # BEGIN VLAN configuration settings for instance 0
           # END VLAN configuration settings for instance 0
NOTE: You have to do this for each VLAN instance!
IMPORTANT: The /etc/hostname.<interface> files are important. 
           One of these files is needed for each interface to be 
           configured with 'ifconfig' by the system at boot time. 
           You have to create one file for each VLAN interface you 
           want to use. These files contain only one entry: 
           the hostname or IP address associated with the VLAN belonging 
           to the appropriate interface. If you put a hostname into the 
           file you have to make sure that there is an entry with the 
           correct IP address for this hostname in the file /etc/hosts!

Example: For the two VLANs above you have to create two files:


NOTE: If you want to use a different netmask as the default for the 
      chosen IP address class for some or all of your interfaces at boot 
      time, do not forget to put the correct value into /etc/netmasks!

Now you should be able to configure your adapters for the use of VLANs.

When the configuration is finished, you have two possibilities to activate 
the changes in yukonx.conf:

- Reboot the system.
- Unload the driver with rem_drv and load it again with add_drv.

For details refer to the description in section 4.1.

5  Tuning

This section describes settings that affect network performance.
Also refer to the description of the CopyThreshold parameter above.

The TCP/IP protocol stack of Solaris can be tuned to better suit
high speed network adapters. This tuning is executed with the "ndd" tool.
The startup script /etc/rcS.d/S50yukon is created during installation
and it sets some of the TCP parameters.
More improvement can be achieved by further increasing e.g. tcp_xmit_hiwat
and tcp_recv_hiwat when using Jumbo Frames. But this also increases the
memory consumption per TCP stream and the effect depends on the type
of application.
If you need this last bit of optimization, please refer to the man page 
of 'ndd' and find the best settings for your system by experimenting with
different settings.

6  "ndd" support

This driver supports the Solaris tool 'ndd' for reading driver parameters
and statistics. For details on 'ndd', refer to the man page. The driver
supports the following parameters:

- ?            : a list of all parameters is displayed. Do not forget to
                 quote the question mark with a backspace:
                 ndd /dev/yukonxX \?
                 Otherwise the ? will be interpreted by the shell
                 as a metacharacter. X in yukonxX is the number of the
                 according interface.
- link_status  : Up or Down
- link_mode    : 1=full-duplex, 0=half-duplex
- link_speed   : 10|100|1000 (Mbits per second)
- adapter_id   : adapter identification string
- hw_revision  : hardware revision number
- instance_num : instance number of adapter
- ring_sizes   : a list of the following parameters is displayed:
                 - RX ring size: # of RX descriptor ring buffers
                 - TX ring size: # of TX descriptor ring buffers

- port_props   : a list of the following parameters is displayed:
                 - Link Status: see link_status above.
                 - Link Speed: see link_speed above.
                 - Jumbo Frames: jumbo frames enabled?
                 - VLAN: VLAN support enabled?
                 - RX ring size: # of RX descriptor ring buffers
                 - TX ring size: # of TX descriptor ring buffers
                 - AutoNegotiation: auto-negotiation used?
                 - Duplex Mode: half- or full-duplex mode?
                 - Flow Control: used mode
                 - Role: Please refer to parameter Role_A_InstX in
		   section 3.1 for details.

- vlan_props   : if VLAN support is enabled on the according interface, a
                 list of three parameters (used in yukonx.conf) is displayed:
                 - VLAN Number: used for configuration purposes
                 - VLAN ID: set by user
                 - VLAN Jumbo Frames: jumbo frames enabled?

                 If VLAN support is disabled, the following message is
                 "No VLAN support on yukonxX enabled." 
                 X is the number of the corresponding interface.

- vct_start    : Start a VCT cable test on the selected interface.
- vct_status   : Get the actual VCT/DSP status of the selected interface.
- vct_result   : Get the result of the last VCT/DSP cable test of the
                 selected interface.

		 Please refer to the next section for details about the
		 VCT parameters.

  Example: If you want to know the adapter identification string of the
           adapter belonging to IP interface yukonx0, enter the command:
           ndd /dev/yukonx0 adapter_id

7  Virtual Cable Tester(TM) (VCT)

The Marvell(R) VCT technology utilizes Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) 
technology to remotely diagnose the quality and characteristics of the 
attached cables. Using this technology it is possible to detect and 
report potential cabling issues such as cable opens, cable shorts or any 
impedance mismatches in the cable and accurately report - within one 
meter - the distance to the fault. The VCT technology enables the IT 
manager or the end user to quickly identify the failing mechanism and 
isolate the source of the problem. 
If at the selected device a link is up, DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
is activated, which reports the length of the cable (only if link is at
1000 Mbps speed).

VCT can be used with the Solaris tool 'ndd'. It is supported with the
following three parameters:

- vct_start  : Start a VCT cable test on the selected device.
- vct_status : Get the actual VCT/DSP status of the selected device.
- vct_result : Get the result of the last VCT/DSP cable test of the
               selected device.

Example: If you want to start a VCT test on device yukonx0,
          enter the command:
          ndd /dev/yukonx0 vct_start

If you have started VCT on device yukonx0, you will get the following

     "VCT test started on device yukonx0!"

VCT needs about three seconds to finish. If you try to get the results
before finishing the test, you will get the following message:

     "VCT test is running on device yukonx0"

VCT can not be started if the link on the selected device is active. If
you should do this accidentally, you will get the following message:

     "VCT test not started on device yukonx0! Link is up!"

If you have tried to start VCT on a device not supporting it, you will
get the following message:

     "VCT Error: VCT not supported on device yukonx0!"

This message will also appear, if you try to view the VCT status or to
get the VCT result on a device not supporting VCT.

You can retrieve the VCT result with the following command:

     ndd /dev/yukonx0 vct_result

You will see output like the following example in the terminal window:

Old DSP result for yukonx0: Cable length: < 50m
New VCT result for yukonx0: Pair 1 [1-2] Length: 5m  Status:  Open in cable.
New VCT result for yukonx0: Pair 2 [3-6] Length: 5m  Status:  Open in cable.
New VCT result for yukonx0: Pair 3 [4-5] Length: 5m  Status:  Open in cable.
New VCT result for yukonx0: Pair 4 [7-8] Length: 5m  Status:  Open in cable.

The first line belongs to the DSP output. The VCT result lists the cable
pairs, the status of the corresponding cable pair, the distance to the
fault (length), and the status of the test.

"New" and "old" in the output above (and also in the output of the
vct_status command, see below) have the following meaning:

For VCT data, "new" means that the link is down and VCT has been executed
during this link down time. "Old" means that the link is or has been up
after the test has been executed, so the data is outdated and may be wrong

For DSP data, "new" means that the link is up and DSP has calculated the
cable length automatically. "Old" means that the link is or has been down
after DSP has been run so the data is outdated and may be wrong now.

The following states of a cable pair are possible after VCT has been

- Normal cable.       : The cable pair is connected correctly.
- Short in cable.     : Two or more cable pairs are short-circuited
                        together. VCT reports the distance to the
		        short-circuit in meters.
- Open in cable.      : Lack of continuity between the pins at each end
                        of the twisted-pair cable, i.e. the cable pair is
			not connected correctly. VCT reports the distance
		        to the open location in meters.
- Impedance mismatch. : The impedance on the cable pair is not correct.
                        Possible reasons for impedance mismatch:
                        - The cable pair is not connected properly.
                        - The cable pair is damaged.
                        - The connector is faulty.
                        VCT reports the distance to the impedance mismatch
		        in meters.
- Test failed!        : The test of the cable pairs was not successful.

You can also retrieve the current VCT and DSP status with the following

     ndd /dev/yukonx0 vct_status

For the example above you will get the following message:

     "VCT status for yukonx0: New VCT and old DSP data!"

If the link was never up and VCT has not been started up to now, you will
get the following message:

     "VCT status for yukonx0: No VCT or DSP data!"

8  Troubleshooting

This section describes some common problems and their solution.

Problem:  The installation prints the following message:
          "Driver (yukonx) successfully added to system but
          failed to attach"
Solution: The driver file could not be executed. Check if
          you have the correct driver version for your system
          architecture. In the directory above the "YUKONXsol"
          subdirectory, enter:
          file YUKONXsol/reloc/kernel/drv/yukonx
          This will tell you which system type the driver supports.

Problem:  The driver startup fails with the message:
          "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: BoardAllocMem: ddi_dma_mem_alloc
Solution: <InstanceNumber> is the instance number assigned to the
          adapter by the system. You probably have multiple adapters
          installed. Each one uses an amount of limited DMA memory.
          If the driver can not get sufficient memory, it
          will not work.
          You can increase the available DMA memory by tuning
          a kernel parameter. In the file /etc/system, add the
          set lomempages=<Value>
          The default for <Value> is 36. Increase this value until the
          above message disappears (recommended increment: 10).
          You have to reboot your system to activate this change!

Problem:  After installing additional adapters and reinstalling the 
          driver, the network is up, you see the interfaces with
          'netstat -i', but you can not reach other machines.
Solution: The order in which instance numbers are assigned depends
          on the PCI slots the adapters are plugged into.
          This can cause an adapter that was inserted at a later time to
          have a lower instance number. Since you do not know this
          order when entering the IP addresses, the address
          assignment may be swapped.
          You can either swap the names of the corresponding
          /etc/hostname.yukonxX files or you can swap the cables of
          the adapters.
          X is the number of the corresponding interface.

9  Error messages

This section describes error messages that may be printed by the
driver. This list is incomplete! If you get other error messages
and you can not solve the problem, contact Marvell technical

NOTE:    In all following error messages, <InstanceNumber> is
         a placeholder for the instance number assigned to the
         adapter by the system.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: Getconfiguration: Missing VLAN
         parameter <ParameterName>!"
Meaning: <ParameterName> can be any name described as 'MUST be set'
         in section 4.
         You have configured the adapter yukonx<InstanceNumber> for
         the use of VLANs and forgotten to set a parameter that is
         essential for the correct functionality of a VLAN
         (Virtual LAN) device. If so, the attachment of the adapter
         is aborted.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: Getconfiguration: Illegal value for
         <ParameterName>, using default!"
Meaning: <ParameterName> can be any parameter name described in
         section 3.

         You have entered an invalid value for this parameter in
         the driver configuration file.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: SkGeAttach: ddi_soft_state_zalloc
Meaning: Not enough kernel memory is available for the driver.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: Adapter failed."
Meaning: A serious driver or hardware problem has occurred.
         This will prevent the adapter from working correctly.
         You can check the adapter with the Marvell adapter 
         hardware diagnostic program.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: Port A failed."
Meaning: Same as the previous message, but for the port only.

Message: "yukonx<InstanceNumber>: BoardAllocMem: ddi_dma_mem_alloc
Meaning: The driver could not get enough DMA memory. See the
         section above for a solution.

***End of Readme File***